Friday, September 19, 2008


Hey everypeoples!

The J-House and I went to Berea for the Spoonbread Festival tonight, and I wanted to give you a quick look at what that is, and say hi!



Hampez said...


I don't think you got the full word anywhere in the entire post.

i have to see my PT tomorrow....


Anonymous said...

beutiful pirate diction! best i heard all day, with the exception of the LARPers who dressed as pirates and went around campus all day trying to draft everyone into service aboard their "vessel" whihc was a canoe in the fountain.
still, spoonbread festival looked like tons o' fun! see you in like 2 months at thanksgiving!
ooh! you should make spoonbread for thanksgiving. that would rock.

incurable optimist said...

Du-ude! I have been snubbed twice by your blog! I come check out all your vlogs, and there is no snake cleaning! You also have no link to my blog (how do you post links to blogs, by the way?). I think I may cry. Just kidding, but, seriously! Where's the snake video? Did you ever cook it?