Thursday, July 17, 2008

Teen Week and Stuff

Hey everyone!

So I decided to make some time to record a new blog to update you and show you a little of what camp is like! Hopefully next week I can show you more far-off, non-specific shots of the kids doing things, and update you on my life! If I look tired, it's cause I am!

Also, Laura, it's called "Real-Kill Wasp and Hornet Killer." It also goes by the names "Chemsico, Hot Shot, Schultz, and Spectracide." Same stuff, different name.



Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Long Time in Coming...

Hey Everyone! Believe it or not, and contrary to popular belief, I am NOT dead, but merely preoccupied and incredibly busy with camp! It takes a while for my sham of a video editing software to put my movies in the correct format, and this is the first chance I've had to sit down and make a new post! As there are only 3 weeks of camp left, I may or may not have the opportunity to post again before August, but keep your fingers crossed!

In this update, you shall see all the way back to Memorial Day weekend, and then the view from one of the beautiful natural wonders near camp called Pretty House. I don't know why. Don't ask.

Hope you all are well!
